Genius Are Not Born , They Are Made


The idea of genius has always captivated people. Genius is typically associated with extraordinary people, such as William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, or Leonardo da Vinci. These people appear to have special skills and aptitudes that make them stand out from the rest of us. Recent studies and viewpoints, however, cast doubt on this idea and contend that anyone can become a genius with enough effort and commitment. This essay will examine the theory that geniuses are created, not born, and it will also discuss the methods and practices that can assist each of us discover our inner genius.

Who is a  genius?

To truly appreciate the idea of being a genius, one must first understand what genius is. The term “genius” derives from the Proto-Indoeuropean root gene and means “to give birth” or “to create.” This etymology suggests that brilliance is not something permanent or preset, but rather a talent that each person possesses to conceive and create.

There has always been a connection between genius and originality, innovation, and brilliance. However, this explanation is insufficient to capture the essence of brilliance. True geniuses are not just smart; they can nurture ideas and produce something meaningful, whether it’s a novel theory in science or art or an original solution to a difficult problem.

Fallacy Regarding Inborn Talent

A prevalent fallacy concerning genius is the idea that it stems exclusively from natural aptitude or extraordinary skills. Research indicates that brilliance is not exclusively based on innate tendencies or talents in particular areas, even though some people may have them. Most tasks that are ascribed to geniuses are the result of practice, habit, and mindset.

Think about well-known individuals such as Marie Curie, Mozart, or Van Gogh. Even if they have amazing talents and have made incredible achievements, it’s crucial to acknowledge the everyday labor and effort they put into improving their skills. To attribute their accomplishments exclusively to natural aptitude would be to downplay the importance of the commitment and tenacity they demonstrated throughout their lives.

The Reflective Mind’s Power

I think reflection is one of the basic habits that might help you find your inner genius. Even ten minutes a day spent introspecting and deep thought can make a huge difference in our ability to think creatively and grow intellectually.

Reflection encourages us to consider the motivations behind our activities rather than just going through the motions of our everyday chores. What in the world intrigues us? Which aspects are difficult or disappointing for us? By exploring these more profound issues, we improve our ability to think clearly and obtain a deeper comprehension of our goals and self.

Another benefit of reflection is the chance to pinpoint areas in need of development and improvement. We create the conditions for our own personal transformation and the growth of our genius by analyzing our lives critically and figuring out where we may be closer to our ideal selves.

Supernatural Power Of Reading

Reading is frequently cited as a very effective instrument for knowledge acquisition and personal development. Even though there is a wealth of knowledge available on the internet, there is something special and alluring about the depth that can be found in books. By interacting with literature, we can investigate ideas and thoughts in a deeper, more thorough manner.

Reading for even 20 minutes a day can make a big difference in our intellectual growth. Books, as opposed to shorter web pieces, offer the chance to delve deeply into topics, exposing us to fresh viewpoints and enhancing our knowledge. Reading also helps us think more clearly by generating side ideas and thoughts of our own.

Consider the effects of reading fifteen to twenty novels annually. Books have the power to change our life by introducing us to new perspectives, ideas, and information. We may access our own genius and open a universe of possibilities by making reading a regular habit.


Power Of Concentration

Reading and reflection are essential to being a genius, but they are insufficient on their own. Our mental faculties must be combined with purposeful, concentrated practice if we are to achieve mastery. We can maximize our potential for development and progress by allotting just half an hour each day to concentrated attention on a certain task or ability.

Engaging in demanding pursuits like painting, writing, playing an instrument, or working on a personal project helps us develop not only our skills in that area but also our general cognitive talents. Pushing oneself and accepting challenges sharpens our minds and improves our capacity to take in and process information.

Acquiring the ability to learn is essential in our ever-evolving world. Through the daily commitment of focused time to our chosen endeavors, we develop the capacity to challenge ourselves and demand more of ourselves. In addition to fostering expertise, this commitment raises our general IQ and creative faculties.

The Little Things Add Up

Being a genius is not about miraculous discoveries or abrupt changes in one’s appearance. It is the product of diligent work done every day and with a constant focus on detail. Though the behaviors that are being presented can seem straightforward or even familiar, the secret is to carry them out with focus and purpose.

It can seem insignificant to dedicate just ten minutes a day to in-depth reflection, twenty minutes to reading, and thirty minutes to concentration. But over time, with persistent application, these little habits add up and produce significant effects. Through these regular practises, the people we consider to be geniuses have refined their skills and developed their knowledge through time.

Realising that every person’s path to genius is different is vital. Famous geniuses like Da Vinci or Einstein are not someone we can compare ourselves to because everyone of us has unique abilities and potential. But by adopting the practises and methods mentioned, we can access our own brilliance and so soar to new levels of creativity and intellectual development.

In summary

The fallacy that says geniuses are created, not born, restricts our potential as people. Anyone can become a genius with hard work and a commitment to daily routines. The secrets to releasing our inner genius and opening our intrinsic potential are reading, reflection, and concentrated practise.

Let’s accept the idea that genius is not something that is predetermined or just available to a small number of people. It is waiting to be discovered and developed since it is natural to what makes us human. We set out on a path of self-improvement and transformations by taking on the daily habits and frame of mind of a genius, becoming the best versions of ourselves and leaving a lasting impression on the world.

So, get going now. Think carefully, read a lot, and give your chosen endeavors your whole attention. Bring out the genius in you and open the door to an infinitely bright future.


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